New President
We’re delighted to announce that Russell has succeeded Richard Garland as President of Eastbourne Chamber of Commerce.
Russell has been a Director of the Chamber since May 2017 and a member of Eastbourne Round Table for over 16 years.
Richard Garland of Gradient Consultants is stepping down as President and taking on the role of Chair of the Eastbourne Town Board. According to Russell, “The energy and value he has brought to the Chamber has been phenomenal and we look forward to his continued close involvement.”
To succeed him, the Chamber Board of Directors unanimously recommended Russell and we’re very proud. Russell added, “I feel very passionate about Eastbourne having been born here and always lived and worked in the local area. And I’m really looking forward to contributing as much as I can to give back to the town and the business community that works so hard to make it what it is.”
Russell has been a Director of the Chamber since May 2017 and a member of Eastbourne Round Table for over 16 years, holding posts as chairman and secretary in that time.
You can find out more about the Eastbourne Chamber of Commerce and its work at