Building Bridges for the National Trust
We are managing repairs to Frog Firle bridge near Litlington for the National Trust. This pedestrian bridge straddles the Cuckmere River and is used by walkers and occasionally livestock and farm or Trust vehicles.
Weather and use have taken their toll over the years.
We will repoint the bridge with lime mortar and replace any decayed bricks. Stainless steel reinforcing bars will be installed to strengthen and stabilise the masonry, and steel bearings within the bridge will be inspected and assessed by a Structural Engineer. We will also check all the timber rails and vertical posts for decay and re-fix or replace along with new galvanised fixings as required.
The bridge is located within Frog Firle Farm which is owned by the National Trust and spans some 466 acres on both sides of the B2108 Alfriston Road between Seaford and Alfriston.
It’s a beautiful area, with stunning views the bridge as you look through the valley and up to High and Over on one side and Litlington on the other. If you’re lucky, there are Kingfisher to spot. You’re most likely to see them perched on branches near the river’s edge as they look for small fish, particularly first thing in the morning when they are feeding and defending their territory.
For information about Frog Firle Farm and walks in the area visit the National Trust website.